Thinking Positive
Author- Don Stratton A recent study found that the average person has 50 to 60 thousand thoughts each day. This confirms what we all know, our minds are very busy. A surprise from the study was that 70 or 80 percent of the thoughts are negative. A negative attitude is very stressful and makes our […]
Open to Receive Breathing Meditation
Embodied Stillness Class

I am fully present in my body; It is a sacred vehicle for my life journey I am deeply grateful to have studied and trained in the Integrative Yoga Therapy system of Yoga as designed by Joseph LePage. Recently back from another level of training in Pranayama and Mudra work, I am excited about recording […]
Glorious Messy Imperfection
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] [custom_blockquote style=”green”] “There is a crack in everything, that’s how the light gets in.” Leonard Cohen [/custom_blockquote] This time of year I am reminded so pertinently of the glorious messy imperfection of life. I see it in an amass of leaves on the ground that are so exquisitely beautiful in their array of color, […]
Audio Meditation Gift
Relaxation Through Breathing It is essential in our busy lives that we take the time to go inward and let stress and over-stimulation go. Please enjoy this relaxing audio meditation.